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Silo Series Review ([year])

Hugh Howey

The Silo is a post-apocalyptic science fiction series written by Hugh Howey. The series started with a short story published in 2011 called Wool that was meant to be a single book, but the author later decided to publish more editions of the story after the book grew in popularity.

Additional Stories

The series now contains the original books that were part of the trilogy, Wool Omnibus, Shift, and Dust but there are also a few short stories that fit in nicely with the plot as well. Read through this Silo series review if you want to find out what happens in this story by Hugh Howey.

The Silo Book Series

Photo Title Rating Length Buy
Wool Wool 9.44/10 509 Pages Check Price On Amazon
Shift (Silo, 2) Shift 9.24/10 570 Pages Check Price On Amazon
Dust: Book Three...image Dust 9.62/10 458 Pages Check Price On Amazon

The Setting

The setting in this story is on a devastating post-apocalyptic Earth where everyone who managed to survive lives in the Silo. The Silo is a city located deep underground and it is quite a huge structure as it stands at a hundred and forty-four stories high, or low, depends on how you look at it. There are a number of unique characters that you get to meet in this long series and the first of them is Holston, the sheriff of the Silo.


Holston character gets pretty involved in the story as you get to know him more and more. He has definitely seen better days but there is no good day on this Earth. He lost his wife Allison a while back when she became psychotic from being trapped underground and demanded to go outside which is a death sentence in their world. She couldn’t take it anymore as it seems that she wanted to die intentionally.

The sheriff feels responsible for her death and his worries are definitely not over as he has several thousand people to care for in the Silo. All that these people know about the outside is from the dust- covered cameras and sensors placed on the surface that show them the toxic and terrifying environment.

System of the Silo

You get to find out about the system that these people have in this city from our review like a form of law that says the ultimate punishment for a terrible crime would be to be sent outside and suffer the life-threatening environment. You would think that that is clearly a death sentence, and it is, but a couple of characters may surprise you when they are sent outside.

The series is long thanks to the original books and the short stories that are added that make the understanding of the story more crucial and a lot of things go on in the books that you are about to read. You find out that life in the Silo is strictly regulated as everyone must have their fair share of everything because they don’t exactly have a rich supply of anything.

All Hands on Deck

The people all have their task to accomplish, some harder than the other, like sweating like a pig in the farms to provide food for everyone, wondering down in the depths to keep the generators that supply power running, and countless other important duties that make the Silo running for years.

The author has also created a sort of class for the people, there are high classes or levels, those who live in the upper levels of the Silo, mid-levels, and the ones who live in the darker lower depths of the Silo. Hugh has definitely thought about everything to make this series as original and thrilling as possible.


Hopefully, from what you gathered from this Silo review, the content inside will sound exciting and you won’t regret it if you have a look at the books for yourself if you are a fan of science fiction post-apocalyptic stories such as this.

Robert Hazley

Robert is a science fiction and fantasy geek. (He is also the best looking Ereads writer!) Besides reading and writing, he enjoys sports, cosplay, and good food (don't we all?). Currently works as an accountant (would you believe that?)